MATH 810

Theory of functions of real variable

Fall 2015

Line #:15372 - MW- 7:35AM-8:50AM - 302 Snow

Instructor: Rodolfo H. Torres
Office: 546 Snow
Telephone: 864-7310
e-mail: torres"AT"
URL: http://
Office hours: TBA

Grader: Wei-Da Chen
Office: 557 Snow
Telephone: 864-7106
e-mail: w116c57"AT"

Course description

This is a course on the fundamentals of real analysis from a modern perspective. The subjects to be covered include measure and integration, basic elements of functional analysis, Lp spaces, and, if time permits, rudiments of Fourier analysis.

Text: Real Analysis, Modern Techniques and Their Applications, Second Edition, by G. Folland, Wiley-Interscience. The text will be used as guide and additional material may be added.

Prerequisites: MATH 766

Tentative topics to be covered:

The material to be covered as well as its length and depth will depend, in part, on the students' background.

Grading: The grade will be computed based on the Homework and Final assignments. As usual in this graduate courses, 90% correct completion of all assigned work will guarantee and A, 80% a B, 70% a C, 60% a D. If further curving is needed the percentages to reach each grade may be lowered but they will never be increased.

Students with disabilities

The staff of Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD), 135 Strong, 785-864-2620, coordinates accommodations and services for KU courses. If you have a disability for which you may request accommodation in KU classes and have not contacted them, please do as soon as possible. Please also see me privately in regard to this course.

Policy on religious observances

Any student in this course who plans to observe a religious holiday which conflicts in any way with the course schedule or requirements should contact the instructor as soon as possible to discuss alternative accommodations

Intellectual Property

Course materials prepared by the instructors, together with the content of all lectures and review sessions presented by the instructors are the property of the instructors. Video and audio recording of lectures and review sessions without the consent of the instructor is prohibited. Permission to make such recordings may be granted by the instructor on a case by case basis, on the condition that these recordings are used only as a study aid by the individual making the recording. Unless explicit permission is obtained from the instructor, recordings of lectures and review sessions may not be modified and must not be transferred or transmitted to any other person, whether or not that individual is enrolled in the course.

Pursuant to the University of Kansas' Policy on Commercial Note-Taking Ventures, commercial note-taking is not permitted in Math 810. Lecture notes and course materials may be taken for personal use, for the purpose of mastering the course material, and may not be sold to any person or entity in any form. Any student engaged in or contributing to the commercial exchange of notes or course materials will be subject to discipline, including academic misconduct charges, in accordance with University policy. Please note: note-taking provided by a student volunteer for a student with a disability, as a reasonable accommodation under the ADA, is not the same as commercial note-taking and is not covered under this policy.

Flu Threat

Please familiarize yourself with the KU Pandemic Response Plan and the Personal Guide to Protect Against Flu. In the event of a pandemic requiring institutional measures, announcements concerning departmental and course-specific responses will be available at KU Math Department Web Page.